EOS INC is a leading global provider of consulting, outsourcing, learning, and technology services. We also deliver superior business results for our clients. We work with customers in a variety of ways to improve their efficiency, both operationally and financially.
EOS INC was founded in 2008 as a IT, BPO & TITLE service company. In a short period, the business processes supported has expanded widely in the industry domains of Title and Mortgage processing. We provide a team dedicated to exceeding your expectations in all areas. This is one of the fastest developing mortgage BPO service providers.
EOS INC is a highly rated specialty service Provider and prides itself on setting the standard for quality, customer service, turnaround time and speed of resolution. We provide diversified Business Data Processing solutions to the Real Estate Industry, Mortgage companies, Title companies, Underwriters, Vendor Management companies, National Lenders, Financial & Insurance companies, Health Care companies and Government Institutions.